…The worlds most sophisticated filtration media…
Kleerview Pools SA is a leader in quality water filtration supply, equipment, installation, maintenance and support. We are the preferred supplier, reseller and affiliate to Water Components South Africa, affiliated to the international parent company Dryden Aqua, one of the worlds largest manufacturer of AFMng, activated filter media which is a highly engineered glass media made up from specific upcycled coloured glass.
We aim to provide solutions, using world class sustainable and proven technology, which are cost effective and importantly non-toxic eco-friendly, ensuring a cleaner environment for future generations.
Dryden Aqua is one of the largest manufacturer of glass filtration media. As marine biologists, they have a unique knowledge combination and detailed understanding of the biological as well as the physio-chemical reactions in water. This has enabled them to develop and manufacture a highly innovative range of products such as the Activated Filter Media AFM
More Info on Our Best Selling Product!
AFM® Activated Filter Media is a direct replacement for sand, doubling the performance of sand filters without the need of additional investments in infrastructure. AFM® resists biofouling, biocoagulation and transient wormhole channeling of unfiltered water and outlasts all other filter media.
AFM® is a highly engineered product manufactured from a specific glass type, processed to obtain the optimum particle size and shape. It is then exposed to a 3-step activation process to become self-sterilising and to acquire superior adsorption properties. During activation, the structure and the chemistry of the glass are modified.